Mean Deviation for continuous series.
We have previously discussed about mean Deviation for Discriet series. Now we entered in next step i.e, Mean deviation about mean for continuous series.
Here mean Deviation is very typical to write on a blog. So will help you through pics which I uploaded below.
1) Mean Deviation about mean
In this mean Deviation about mean,
- We have to first find x values. This x values are non other than midvalues of class intervals.
- Find (f×x), by using this find mean for the given data.
- Next we have find |x– mean|.
- Multiply this |x – mean| with frequency.
- This sum of all {f×|x–mean|} is needed to find mean Deviation.
- Formula for mean Deviation(MD) about mean is.
MD = Σf|x–mean| ÷ Σf .
Coefficient of
mean Deviation(CDM) = MD ÷ MEAN.
*Follow the given picture for better understanding.
2) Mean Deviation about median
- For finding Mean Deviation about median
- First we have to find X , that are midvalues of class intervals.
- Find cumulative frequency (CF) for given frequency.
- You must know how to find median for continuous series. To know Click Here median in continuous series
- After finding median, the formula will be
- MD = Σf|x–median| ÷ Σf .
- Coefficient of mean Deviation about median (CDM) = MD ÷ MEDIAN.
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